Frequently Asked Questions
What is OpenRSC?
The project was officially begun in June 2018, though has roots spanning as far back as 2009 with
"Open RSCD v25." The OpenRSC project has been a non-profit, community driven, open source
to build as close of a replica RSC game experience as possible, to allow custom features to be
enabled with simple configuration file edits, and to keep the memory alive of what is now considered
to be an abandon-ware game, RSC (2001-2018). For over a decade, many private servers
have come and gone and nearly all have had profit from donations, subscriptions, micro-transactions,
and bribery as their sole interest. Education, open source, and information sharing were spurned in
the interest of "leech proofing" code, money grabs, toxic individuals, DDoS attacks, and deception.
The OpenRSC core team consists of real life professional developers, security
consultants, dev ops
managers, and more. You can find the source code for our game servers right here and the source code for our website right here. You can also find the rules for our live servers right here.
How do I play?
Great question! We have many different public worlds, and many different ways to play.
To get started, you will want to register an account, which can be done through
the registration page found here or through one of our desktop clients. After that, you can visit the play now page found here, and then log in either by clicking on "Web Client"
for the Preservation, 2001scape, and Uranium worlds, or by clicking on "Android Client"
or "Desktop Client" depending on if you are on an Android device or on a computer. If you are on Android then you can install the apk like any other apk on Android and then launch it and select the world you want to play. If you are on a computer, then you can launch the launcher you downloaded (OpenRSC.jar) and then simply click on the logo or text of the world you want to play. Please note that you will need Java installed to run our desktop clients (and desktop launcher), we recommend Java 8 which you can find here if you are on Windows for the best compatibility with our project - if it still doesn't open the application, we recommend trying out jarfix if you are on Windows which you can find right here. If you are having any problems figuring out how to play, you can visit our Discord found here to ask for help or by posting a thread on our technical support section in our forum found here.
Please note, by registering an account, you have agreed to all of our rules found here.
How do I use global chat?
To use global chat, you must first reach 150 total level. After you have reached 150 total level, you need to read the rules by typing ::globalrules and following the provided instructions. After that, you can then type ::g and your message to talk in global chat. You can also switch global chat between the Private and Quest tabs by typing ::gp or ::gq if you'd like.
I am a new player, how should I train/make money/do quests?
You can find a guide for new players right here.
What are the differences between the public worlds?
Preservation has already had all its holiday drops, including Pumpkins, Christmas crackers, Santa hats, Scythes, Bunny ears, Easter eggs, and anything else we're forgetting. Tradeable holiday items will never be dropped again. The only way you can obtain them is by trading with another player. Untradable holiday items like scythes and bunny ears will be dropped every year at Halloween and Easter, respectively. We do track the first time players pick up each of these items though, so we can see who was around for the original drops if we were ever curious for some reason. The players had also voted to have presents dropped every year at Christmas time. These usually just contain small amounts of silly items like gnome balls, or obscure food items. You use these on other players like Christmas crackers. Also while not exactly a holiday drop, Preservation also has another rare item. The Half jug of wine can be obtained by drinking Jugs of wine. You have a 1/25k chance to obtain the item.
These items are dropped/obtainable every year (if we miss any let us know, there's a lot). Easter: Easter eggs, Bunny ears, Bunny/Egg morph rings, Rubber chicken hat Halloween: Pumpkins, Scythes, Eak the Mouse, Halloween masks (with some new colors and animals) Christmas: Presents that contain pretty much every item in the game, including the other Christmas holiday items, along with some custom ones like Green Santa hats, Christmas cookies, antlers, Santa suit, and so on. May I donate or subscribe for perks? No donations nor subscriptions are accepted. We don't want any money. We also don't believe that dumping player money into ads will make any difference for long term player growth and retention. The best way to help the team is to help with submitting bug reports, submitting GitLab merge requests, and spreading the word about us to your friends so they will want to be a part of this too! How often is OpenRSC updated? The development team is constantly working on updates. Code releases generally occur weekly or monthly on Sundays and the public worlds are restarted with updates shortly after the posting of patch notes. Is a single player edition available? Yes! Download a copy of the GitLab "core" project repository and start playing. A "Start-Windows.cmd" script is included to launch a portable version that does not require any additional installation nor configuration. Where may I learn how to run my own OpenRSC server? Windows getting started guide Linux getting started guide MacOS getting started guide Running your own production server Who are the OpenRSC project admins? Aurora, Ken, Logg, Luis, and Ryan What is OpenRSC's stance on botting? We have a zero tolerance policy on our publicly hosted servers except for RSC Uranium and RSC Coleslaw, which are botting allowed worlds.
RSC Preservation (Formerly OpenRSC)
1x XP rate
~98% authentic replica of RSC based on RSC+ replay data
Actively being improved for gameplay accuracy
Staff moderated world with no botting allowed
Operated using the OpenRSC framework
RSC Cabbage
1x or 5x XP rate
30% faster in-game speed
Auction House
Clans and parties
Custom items, skills, monsters, and quests
Batched skilling activities
Regular Ironman, Hardcore Ironman, and Ultimate Ironman modes available
Fatigue disabled (optional to turn off XP gain using sleep)
Staff moderated world with no botting allowed
Operated using the OpenRSC framework
1x XP rate
Recreated version of RSC from May 8 2001
Version with retro features (pray evil, good magic, POH) as they were experienced
~95% authentic replica of retro RSC based on old cache data, fansites & newsposts
Actively being improved for gameplay accuracy
Staff moderated world with no botting allowed
Operated using the OpenRSC framework
RSC Uranium
Botting allowed
1x XP rate
Operated using the OpenRSC framework
RSC Coleslaw
Botting allowed
2x XP rate
30% faster in-game speed
Auction House
Clans and parties
Custom items, skills, monsters, and quests
Batched skilling activities
Regular Ironman, Hardcore Ironman, and Ultimate Ironman modes available
Fatigue disabled (optional to turn off XP gain using sleep)
Operated using the OpenRSC framework
OpenPK (Under development)
StorkPK-style point system and dedicated to player killing
Staff moderated world with no botting allowed
Operated using the OpenRSC framework
You can read more about our plans to get an idea of what it will be like right here
RSC Kale (Under development)
Expansion of RSC post May 8 2001 (wilderness, dueling, teleport spells)
Implementation of retro features (hiding, pray evil, tailoring, herblaw, etc)
Staff moderated world with no botting allowed
Operated using the OpenRSC framework
What's up with holiday drops? Have you done them? Are you going to do more?
Preservation/UraniumPreservation has already had all its holiday drops, including Pumpkins, Christmas crackers, Santa hats, Scythes, Bunny ears, Easter eggs, and anything else we're forgetting. Tradeable holiday items will never be dropped again. The only way you can obtain them is by trading with another player. Untradable holiday items like scythes and bunny ears will be dropped every year at Halloween and Easter, respectively. We do track the first time players pick up each of these items though, so we can see who was around for the original drops if we were ever curious for some reason. The players had also voted to have presents dropped every year at Christmas time. These usually just contain small amounts of silly items like gnome balls, or obscure food items. You use these on other players like Christmas crackers. Also while not exactly a holiday drop, Preservation also has another rare item. The Half jug of wine can be obtained by drinking Jugs of wine. You have a 1/25k chance to obtain the item.
These items are dropped/obtainable every year (if we miss any let us know, there's a lot). Easter: Easter eggs, Bunny ears, Bunny/Egg morph rings, Rubber chicken hat Halloween: Pumpkins, Scythes, Eak the Mouse, Halloween masks (with some new colors and animals) Christmas: Presents that contain pretty much every item in the game, including the other Christmas holiday items, along with some custom ones like Green Santa hats, Christmas cookies, antlers, Santa suit, and so on. May I donate or subscribe for perks? No donations nor subscriptions are accepted. We don't want any money. We also don't believe that dumping player money into ads will make any difference for long term player growth and retention. The best way to help the team is to help with submitting bug reports, submitting GitLab merge requests, and spreading the word about us to your friends so they will want to be a part of this too! How often is OpenRSC updated? The development team is constantly working on updates. Code releases generally occur weekly or monthly on Sundays and the public worlds are restarted with updates shortly after the posting of patch notes. Is a single player edition available? Yes! Download a copy of the GitLab "core" project repository and start playing. A "Start-Windows.cmd" script is included to launch a portable version that does not require any additional installation nor configuration. Where may I learn how to run my own OpenRSC server? Windows getting started guide Linux getting started guide MacOS getting started guide Running your own production server Who are the OpenRSC project admins? Aurora, Ken, Logg, Luis, and Ryan What is OpenRSC's stance on botting? We have a zero tolerance policy on our publicly hosted servers except for RSC Uranium and RSC Coleslaw, which are botting allowed worlds.
OpenRSC is not affiliated with the original "RSC" nor its publisher.
To use our service you must agree to our Terms & Conditions.
To use our service you must agree to our Terms & Conditions.