If you're having trouble getting OpenRSC to run, check out these common steps to see if it solves your issue:
1. If you are stuck at RSC+ unpacking map 0%, it is an issue with certain Java versions. If you go into where rscplus is located (if you used OpenRSC launcher "OpenRSC.jar", it's in: Cache/extras/rscplus) and run the .exe version of rscplus, it'll use a bundled version of Java without this issue.
2. Assuming you're using the desktop client (launched via OpenRSC.jar)
and trying to connect to the preservation server:
Try closing/reopening the desktop client then reclicking the world, If that doesnt work then look for a folder called "Cache" next to the jar file: go in there, then extras folder, then delete the rscplus folder. Then relaunch the desktop client and try it again.
Also there is a standalone rscplus.exe in the rscplus folder that you could try if nothing else works.
3. If double clicking the .jar file does not do anything, make sure you have Java installed (We recommend Java 8: https://builds.openlogic.com/downloadJD ... ws-x64.msi)
If it is still not working with Java installed, we recommend trying jarfix: https://johann.loefflmann.net/downloads/jarfix.exe
4. In order to play on iPhone, you can try this link for Preservation: https://rsc.vet/client/#members,game.op ... 59813,true
You can also try link for 2001scape: https://rsc.vet/client2/#members,game.o ... 59813,true
5. If you downloaded RSC+ from https://rsc.plus, you will likely need to set up the worlds.ini file: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4aD-PL6WK0